Conference Russian Arbitration Day 2022

«New Horizons of International Arbitration. Issue 2”»

Published within RAD 2014 edited by Asoskov А.V., Khodykin R.М, Muranov А.I. The digest includes the following articles (presented alphabetically):

Hosking J., Guevara C.D. “Appellate Arbitration Mechanisms: The AAA/ICDR Optional Rules — A New Trend in International Arbitration?”;

Libsher К. “New Arbitration Rules in Austria — a Look Behind the Curtain”;

Malinskaya R.V. “Can an Arbitration Clause Be "Unfavourable"? Contemporary Approaches to the Application of the MFN Treatment to Arbitration Clauses”;

Muranov А.I. “Arbitral Tribunal in the Context of The Customs Union: Where Specificities Begin. Critics of Its Draft Project, Including in Light of WTO Laws”;

Panov А.А. “Virtual Arbitration: Problems, Solutions, Prospects”;

Pavan V.V. “Anti-suit Measures Granted by Arbitrators in Support to Arbitration Agreement”;

Pellew D. “Some Observations on the Current Proposed Reforms to Russian Arbitration Law”;

Pentsov D.А. “Substantive Legal and Procedural Grounds for Requests to Disclose Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration: Unity or Conflict of Opposites?”;

Usoskin S.V. “Moscow Convention on Protection of the Rights of the Investor: Secret Gates to Arbitration?”;

Vilkova N.G. “Mikhail Grigorievich Rozenberg: His Contribution to Science, Arbitration Practice, Regulation of International Sales and Contractual Relations”;

Vyalkov А.V. “Alternative Clauses on Dispute Resolution and the Principle of Lis Alibi Pendens”;

Yagelnitskiy А.А., Petrol О.D. “Agreements on Waiver of the Right to Challenge an International Commercial Arbitration Award”.